Grow Your Practice with the Urbanek TMJ Splint
- You want to create a substantial income stream for your practice that is free of insurance company control.
- You want to develop a niche for your practice that will make it stand out among the completion in your community.
- You want to stimulate growth in your practice to unheard of levels
- You want to increase professional referral sources to unheard of numbers each month.
- You want the satisfaction of relieving the symptoms of TMD to patients who have suffered the symptoms for decades
- You want to achieve complete economic freedom for your practice.
Your License Includes...
- Online Licensing Course which teaches you everything you need to know to successfully treat your TMJ patients with the Urbanek TMJ Splint
- Marketing Guides and Templates including brochures, letters, Lunch & Learns PowerPoints and more
- Monthly Marketing Consults for you and/or your staff (optional, as needed)
- Ongoing Training and Support in the Licensed Provider portal
- Growing Community of other providers to connect with

How it Works...
First you will complete the Licensed Provider Application and set up a phone interview with Dr. Urbanek. During your interview you will discuss your interest in becoming a Licensed Provider and how you plan to utilize your license. This is also the time you will request your exclusive territory and availability.
Based on your interview, you will either be admitted to the course or advised otherwise.
After satisfactorily completing the course you will be sent a Provider License Agreement for review and execution as a licensed Urbanek Device and Protocol provider in your selected city or community.
Then, you will be ready to begin marketing your TMJ treatment and the Urbanek TMJ Splint.
In the Licensed Provider area of the website, you will find the Marketing Guides and templates you can literally hand over to your staff to being implementing. You will also find a weekly video for ongoing training and support.

Dr. Brittany Westerman
"... delivering the Urbanek Splint has become my favorite service offered, because there is no better feeling than eliminating the pain that my patients have struggled with for most of their lives, not to mention it is the quickest and easiest money I’ve ever made. I’ve gained tons of new patients from other offices in town that don’t offer this splint and now have my entire staff and associate dentists trained on what the Urbanek splint is and why it works."
What's Included?
Licensing Fee Includes:
- Online Licensing Course
- Exclusive Territory
- Marketing Guides and Promotional Templates
- Monthly Marketing Consultations
- Ongoing Traning & Support
- Growing Community of other providers
- One Year License for One (1) Doctor
Grow Your Practice and help more TMD Patients
Become a Licensed Provider and and gain access to all the tools you need to successfully treat your TMD patients with the Urbanek TMJ Splint.
The Online Training to become a Provider includes the background science, mechanics of consultation, delivery, follow-up patient care, community awareness program, protocol, marketing tools and resources and more!
Have Questions?
Choose a time from Dr. Urbanek's schedule for a brief call to discuss the opportunities available to our Licensed Doctors.
Carolyn M.
"I have been having pain in my jaws for over 45 years or more . I have been going to dentist after dentist sometime even specialist. One day my sister-in-law’s told me about her dentist and I went to her and I told her I was having a lot of jaw pain so she referred me to Dr Urbanek and I am so glad I can to see him. He made me this splint for my mouth and it has help so much and it has help with my vertigo and it has change my life so much my jaw pain is so much better after only three weeks of wearing my splint I thank God that I have found someone to help me . Thank you Dr Urbanek for helping me you are a blessing from God . Thank you so much."
Leisa A
"About 6 years ago, I started experiencing headaches, pain in neck, fullness in ears, constant sinus infections, and some jaw discomfort. I had been to doctor after doctor, but could not find any answers as to why these issues were not going away. I had taken all the antibiotics and steroids known to man, but they only helped temporarily. I was then referred to Dr. Urbanek. After consulting with Dr. Urbanek, we came to the conclusion that my issues had stemmed from a car wreck. No one (including me) had even thought that these issues could have came from an accident. Now after 6 weeks of treatment, I am feeling so much better. I am not experiencing any of the symptoms that I was feeling before. Thank you Dr. Urbanek for what you do!"

Dr. Kevin Stoller
“I have been practicing dentistry for 20 years and have found this device to be superior (quality, design, and ease of use) to all others I have used in the past. There is also no issue with patient compliance.
This splint has successfully eliminated the TMD related symptoms of my patients who have been suffering for years with no relief.
This splint and splint protocol has proven to work!”

Jenny R.
"I started with my jaw pain a while back and it seemed to be getting worse over time, eventually it got to the point where I couldn’t even bite into an apple without my jaw hurting so bad. I had been to other doctors who simply didn’t do anything but when I came here I got the help I needed. Now my pain is practically gone, I can eat, talk, sing without having to worry about it hurting when I open my mouth!"
Cathryn F
"For nearly 25 years I suffered with bad headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, and frequent dizziness. My primary doctor referred me to Dr. Urbanek because he thought my problem was due to TMJ. So I made my appointment and am very happy I did. I started a couple months ago wearing Dr. Urbanek’s dental splint and to my surprise, it worked! All my symptoms are 95% gone. I never thought it was possible to have so many problems from the TMJ but it does cause all sorts of issues. I couldn’t be more pleased, and highly recommend Dr. Urbanek and his TMJ dental splint!"

Joel L.
"After having headaches, ear and jaw pain, ear fullness, and a mystery shoulder pain for years I was finally referred to Dr. Urbanek. After using the splint as directed, all of those symptoms were relieved within two months. I’m very thankful for Dr. Urbanek and the splint. They’ve changed my life."
Grow Your Practice
Implement our TMJ marketing system to drive in more patients than ever.

Creating Raving Fans
Happy patients love sharing their success! Stand out from your competition and become the clear choice for TMD treatment.
Help More TMJ Patients
95%-98% of TMD patients are successfully treated without surgery and without medications!

Ready to Grow Your Practice?
Apply today to become an Urbanek TMJ Splint Licensed Provider